Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ponniyin Selvan by kalki

I was planning to read this novel for a long time.Finally i have started and finished volume - 1
It has 5 volumes each has around 350 pages.

But the book is awesome.So much of details about Tamilnadu and the places we have lived and passed by without knowing much about the important events that has taken place there.

Though Indian rulers conquered a lot of places within Indian subcontinent i always had a small concern about them not going outside india for conquests as done by these Europeans. I have always wondered why south Indians did not have a strong Navy even though they were ruling the coastal areas.

But this book will makes us proud about the kind and expanse of the conquests made by the cholas(Raja Raja Chola and Rajendra chola). We might have read that Rajendra chola was called "Kadaram kondaan".Kadaram is the present day kedah in Malaysia.It was conquered by Rajendra. And cholas had a powerful navy and they had developed expertise in navigation in 1000 AD. They developed art and architecture which spreads the glory of chola empire even now.I have attached an image which depicts the territories which was under chola empire's control.

Still 4 more volumes to go and lot of information to grasp from this book. Will update as soon as i read.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

words of swami vivekananda..!!!

When I Asked God for Strength
He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face

When I Asked God for Brain & Brown
He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve

When I Asked God for Happiness
He Showed Me Some Unhappy People

When I Asked God for Wealth
He Showed Me How to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Favors
He Showed Me Opportunities to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Peace
He Showed Me How to Help Others

God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted
He Gave Me Everything I Needed

- Swami Vivekananda

A Nice Article about Love by Swami Vivekananda

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool,she filled the palm of her hand with some water and held it before me, and said this: "You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love.

" This was how I saw it: As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds.

This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love ... they try to posses it, they demand, they expect ... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.

For love is meant to be free, you can not change its nature.
If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings.

Give and don't expect.
Advise, but don't order.
Ask, but never demand.

It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice.

It is the secret to true love.To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.

"Passing thought ... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments that take our breath away"

To download or read all books of swamivivekananda click here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

joined new office fg

hello guys hoepe you are all doing fine . right now am at the fusion garage , using joojoo and updating this blog. the device is fine.needs some improvement which is what my job would be :)

catch you all sooner with more updates.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Multi client - server program

For an interview process, i was asked to write a simple chat server server( socket programming) which handles multiple clients and it should broadcast a client msg to all other clients who connected to the server at that instance. And the client side chat window should be designed in QT.

The code is attached to the following link.

Server side program;

Client side program.

Steps for compiling and checking the demo:

pre requiste : qt4.3-dev tools , or qt libraries need to be installed.

Step1 : Un install the into a folder. (name: server )

> qmake -project
> qmake
> make

> ./server 50003 ---> Example to run the server.

Step 2: Un install the into a folder.( named: client )

> qmake -project
> qmake
> make

>./client mani 50003 ---> Example to run the client.

As soon as you give the above command, a qt based chat window will open on which you can type your chat messages.

Parallely open 3,4 terminals and instantiate the client program with different names, so that you will see similar chat windows opened.

On each you can type messages, which will be broadcasted to others.
I have tried it on ubuntu.




Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Code project Visual studio 2010 contest

Hi all,

            Hope you are all aware that Visual Studio  2010 has been released and a site named codeproject has announced a contest

On VS 2010.


For more .. Refer to



Best regards,



From: []
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:50 AM



Use this as to email id and fill a subject and send a mail it will be posted to our blog.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Microsoft's Cloud services like the Google's appengine !!

Google's appengine is used to crete application and services in clouds.. So as Microsoft !!!
It is called Azure platform .. If you are comfortable with .net or any MS technology Azure could be a guide to put your imagination into clouds :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Help me in google search

I have gone mad.. lost all my patience.. I want a page where all itemtypes supported by gbase was listed. I lost this bookmark in my crashed laptop.

Difference is that in left side all the item types are listed and rightside for each itemtype all the available attributes with descriptions are listed in the same fasion as the above link.. If any one can help it will be great help for me.

Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

OVI store - Local guide widget published


Happy to say that Local Guide widget was published last friday in OVI store and so far 35 downloads have happened.

Hoping much more downloads, with all your blessings...!!!!!!

- mani

Monday, March 1, 2010

Google Site Sharing and Appspot Linking to Google Sites

Almost broke my head today to make one of my sites public !!!
If a site is not public then the site will be accesed by login to your google account .

In Google Apps Sites setting there is an option "User Can Make Sites Public" If it is disabled then in Sites Sharing You will not be able to see the Advanced setting option "Anyone in the world may view this site (make it public)" . So You got it right I had disabled my Apps setting option and trying to make the site public in the sites sharing advanced Option !!!

Linking to an appspot (AppId) is very simple if you already have a Google Apps Sites (Standard / premier) edition. Goto -> -> go to service setting click add more services - > In right side you can see the Google App Engine preview content and a tecxtbox where you can give your appid and link to your domain or subdomain.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life teaches you ...

Life teaches you certain tough decisions to be made at certain times. Face it and take it. As my friend used to say never be emotionally attached to anyone. It brings hurtings when it breaks. I have heard lot of my friends first love failures and their saddness. Everyone of them is great to have successfully succeeded and surpassed with their mental power.

Dont cry over the spilt milk. If you cannot get happiness through someone, there are N number of people in your life who are longing love from you. Please find them and show them or tell them you love them. It brings more happiness to you.

Dont go behind the ones who doesnt respect you or consider you for what you are.

" Desire is the cause for all miseries in life" - So dont desire so much on anything, it can be money, material, love, girl,even friends in that list, anything... if you have more desire, expectations you will be inversely affected with hurtings in your life.

Before you find mistakes in others just 2 sec think in your mind, have your ever done the same mistake before or doing the same mistake to others. Then you shouldnt be asking or questioning others/ your friend's mistakes unless you rectify yours.

Spread love, you will get love. Dont forget the saying "All the things come back to you". If you show love you get love from others. If you show anger you get the same but twice more.

For success, Dont grave for recoginition. Dont ever think at anytime after you have done so much of effort or work that people should praise you for that. If you think like that you will not do better in your next work.

In life everyone has to go some extremes so that you learn something in your life. Your maturity, level of thinking changes. You should be glad for that, welcome it.

No one in this life is 100% perfect.

- Just something i felt inspiring me i wrote. If some thing doesnt suit your principles please ignore it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hi all ,
The much awaited WM 7 phone has been announced by steve Ballmer on 15 Feb 2010.

Microsoft Claims that Windows Phone 7 Series is a "fundamentally different approach to phone software".Lets wait and see if it actually is.

I pray it should be worth tbe hype otherwise a lot WM programmers will have to prepare their resumes with their experience highlighted in other non WM platforms.

Few Words about the UI in WM 7 Series:
The operating system's main screen is "chromeless," without borders or a Start button, and features dynamically updated "live tiles.

Live tiles act as a doorway into more detailed pages called "hubs," which connect to Web services, applications, contacts and other items, according to Microsoft. The company describes six different hubs as follows:

People -- Provides a central place from which to post updates to Facebook and Windows Live in one step. Delivers an "engaging social experience" by bringing together relevant content based on a person, including his or her live feeds from social networks and photos.

Pictures -- Brings together a user's photos, including those synced from a PC. "Makes it easy to share pictures and video to a social network in one step."

Games -- "Delivers the first and only official Xbox Live experience on a phone." This includes games, spotlight feed and the ability to see a gamer’s avatar, achievements and gamer profile.

Music and Video -- Creates "an incredible media experience that brings the best of Zune, including content from a user's PC, online music services and even a built-in FM radio into one simple place."

Marketplace -- Allows the user to easily discover and load the phone with certified applications and games.

Office -- "Brings the familiar experience of the world’s leading productivity software to the Windows Phone." Includes Office, OneNote, SharePoint Workspace, and Outlook Mobile.

Some of the Features are:
  • Much more advanced web browser,fully multi-touch capable and based on desktop editions of Internet Explorer.
  • Improved Text display via "sub-pixel positioning".
  • Dedicated hardware button for Microsoft's Bing search engine
  • Silverlight Support(a rumour is that most of the UI in WM7 is based on a nice silverlight UI).Lets hope for a flashy,non-irritating,comfortable UI.
There is also a rumor that there is no multitasking in WM7.

For more info on WM7 phone series see:

Best regards,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Search Optimization and Googlebot

My Laptop broken and unfortunately all the backup of my last work on C# and Java in my 250 GB LG hard disk also crashed bit sad these days. But anyway Other personal responsibilities @ my hometown done well on my long Vacation.

After a long pause to my technical cultivation i have a small post for the day to reignite myself on web technology. So here is a link to learn more on Google way of Search engine optimisation and crawling the web.

At th end of a PoC @ project.....

At the end of completing one small working prototype project for my new team @ work,it made me feel -"Are people merely obsessed with tools usage among Java community specifically in Web development?" though few of tools were handy during my development.

Since I moved to this avenue("Web development") with my own interest few months back after one year in Core Java("Desktop Application development") and prior 3 yrs experience in c++ .

In the tools usage even,choices are the most troublesome for the new comers like me.

to start with ..

->wireframe for my ui mockups-many are there .I used Balsamiq(free version only)

->build - ant or maven . I favored maven as I used in my previous project(seems to me the world too :) )

->data modeling using TigerStripe (database design for the application) .This guy is capable to generate data model java pojo's for us from mere uml sort of diagram specification. also,specifying relationship between entities too possible..

->orm/persistance -hibernate used in mine & there are other good enough candidates-JPA,etc.

I am skipping - "choosing IDE and database for application". here.

->web framework - struts,spring mvc,spring web flow .finally what we have end up is an hybrid one :)

->web container - traditional non-osgi based containers(tomcat) or osgi based one(spring dm server).

->to be Web 2.0 app, usage of rich javascript library to our front end ui code.
this is infinite I suppose .few I tried - jquery,yui & end up in dojo.

->notification framework in ur web 2.0 enabled web app - DWR or cometd

I was exhauted finally when I was asked to automate my unit-testing of my web application.
many java mocking frameworks are there it seems. one I got to know and to be done :( - using mockito.

Though learning and doing were interesting,somewhat for people like me migrating to web development from " Application development" .I wish to share the happening via this post.
Nothing sort of complaining this web development space or scare the new venturers here.

Little mindset change is required - thats what I felt. after all I have jotted down about Java web devleopment only . There are very much strongs parallels in python ,ruby ,erlang.

My words finally -"pursue this ,only on passion" .but not on craze or hot things happening in this space

I am very passionate about things happening in web world now .
I wish to do really a big thing in future :)

if not me atleast via my Frenz by inspiring them.

Again Finally ,this is not melancholic or demotivating note. :)

With Patience and steady conceptual learning by doing things in web,I believe one should be able to achieve feat in this space. After all,learning in ones own pace is never a curse though you miss few buses now :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Open Directory Project and Yahoo Directory

Get Listed in Google Search

Submit Your Site To The Yahoo! Directory & The Open Directory Project Index

One of the methods to get listed in google search is to submit your web site to the Yahoo! Directory  and/or Open Directory Project index, which is owned by Netscape.

As Google has agreements with Yahoo! and Netscape to include the sites indexed in their directories in the Google index,this seems to be a good method of getting into the Google index. 

Visit Yahoo!'s  page

Open Directory Project's page.

Once your site is included in either of these directories,ODP say it will take 1 to 2 months 

to get listed in Google index.

Become an Editor: You can also volunteer in ODP( to become

an Editor who helps them in building their directory index.

For more check Become an Editor Section in

I have applied for Tamil language category to become an Editor.

Best Regards,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fastest Mobile Phone Processor QualComm Snapdragon

I saw an Acer Windows Mobile Phone with 1 Ghz QualComm Processor.I could feel the difference in Speed.I remembered when i bought my Desktop it had a 1Ghz processor.
I started searching for the Fastest Mobile Phone Processor available in market and it happens to be QualComm's SNAPDRAGON Processor.Here's a quick bite of it...

Qualcomm's Snapdragon™ platform offers an unprecedented combination of processing performance and optimized power consumption for the new generation of smart mobile devices.

For a list of Mobile Phone's ranked on the basis of Speed Visit

Devices based on Qualcomm's SnapdragonTM platform deliver:

* Optimized power management for all-day battery life
* Ubiquitous, real-time connectivity
* Rich Internet browsing experience
* Access to real-time, personalized and location-aware content
* Streaming and playback of locally stored high-definition video content
* High performance 3D UIs, games, maps and more
* High-quality still pictures and video clips
* Access to social networks through instant messaging, video conferencing and chat

There are two Chipset Series available
1) QSD8x50 chipsets
2) QSD8672 chipsets

Technical Features (for QSD8x50 chipsets)

The QSD8x50 platform consists of the QSD8250™ which supports GSM, GPRS, EDGE, HSPA networks while the QSD8650™ supports CDMA2000 1X, 1xEV-DO Rel 0/A/B, GSM, GPRS, EDGE and HSPA networks. Both chipsets include:

* 1 GHz CPU
* 600MHz DSP
* Integrated 3G mobile broadband
* Support for Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® connectivity
* Built-in seventh-generation gpsOne® engine with Standalone-GPS and Assisted-GPS modes
* High-definition (720p) video decode, and multiple video codec support
* High-performance 3D graphics – up to 22M triangles/sec and 133M 3D pixels/sec
* High-resolution up to WXGA (1280x720) display support
* 12-megapixel camera support
* Multiple audio codecs: (AAC+, eAAC+, AMR, FR, EFR, HR, WB-AMR, G.729a, G.711, AAC stereo encode)
* Support for mobile broadcast TV (MediaFLO™, DVB-H and ISDB-T)
* Support for Windows Mobile®, Android, and a number of Linux®-based operating systems
* Qualcomm’s hybrid mode alternative solution

Technical Features for QSD8672 chipsets

The single-chip, dual-CPU QSD8672™ includes most of the above features, in addition to:

* Dual CPUs, up to 1.5 GHz for faster response and processing
* Low-power 45nm process technology for higher integration and performance
* Higher-resolution WSXGA (1440 x 900) display support
* High-definition (1080p) video recording and playback
* Support for HSPA+ networks - 28 Mbps downloads and 11 Mbps uploads
* Supports CDMA2000 1X, 1xEV-DO Rel 0/A/B networks
* Improved 3D graphics - up to 80M triangles/sec and 500M+ 3D pixels/sec

A Nice song from Ishiqiya with English Translation

I took this translation from

Aisi uljhi nazar unse hatt ti nahi
Daant se reshmi dor katt ti nahi
Umar kab ki baras ke safaid ho gayi
Kaari badari jawani ki chatt ti nahi

(My entwined eyes don’t seem to want to quit staring at her,
My tongue tied teeth cannot (even) cut through a simple silk thread,
My life is far past an age where the white (hair) shows,
And yet, the dense cloudy veneer of (my) youth refuses to fade away)

Walla ye dhadkan bhadne lagi hai
Chehre ki rangat udne lagi hai
Darr lagta hai tanha sone mein ji

(Oh my dear, my heart is started racing again,
My cheery cheeks have started bloody blushing again (my face has started losing color),
(Rightfully so), I am now so scared of falling asleep all alone)

Dil to bachcha hai ji
Dil to bachcha hai ji
Thoda kaccha hai ji
Haan dil to baccha hai ji

(My heart has become like that of a child (again)
A little naive, a little gullible,
Yes, indeed, innocent like that of a child)

Aisi ulji nazar unse hatt ti nahi
Daant se reshmi dor katt ti nahi
Umar kab ki baras ke safaid ho gayi
Kaari badari jawani ki chatt ti nahi
Ra ra ra ..

Kisko pataa tha pehlu mein rakha
Dil aisa baaji bhi hoga
Hum to hamesha samajhte the koi
Hum jaisa haaji hi hoga

(The heart which I wore (and hid) under my sleeve,
I never did expect, would (eventually) turn out to be this impish scimpish,
I instead always (for some reason, wrongly) believed,
That my heart was exactly a thorough gentleman like me)

Hai zor karein, kitna shor karein
Bewaja baatein pe ainwe gaur karein
Dilsa koi kameena nahi
Koi to rokey, koi to tokey
Iss umar mein ab khaogey dhokhe
Darr lagta hai ishq karne mein ji

(Now that it is enticed, (and then) it creates commotion
It has started reading too much into these seemingly commonplace gestures,
There is seemingly no scurry scoundrel like this heart of mine,
Please someone try to rein it in, oh, please someone try to drill in some sense (at least),
(Try to remind it) that at this tiring age, he is going to be beguiled and betrayed,
(Rightfully so), now I am so very scared of falling in love)

Dil to bachcha hai ji
Dil to bachcha hai ji
Thoda kaccha hai ji
Haan dil to baccha hai ji

Aisi udhaasi baithi hai dil pe
Hassne se ghabra rahe hain
Saari jawani katra ke kaati
Piri mein takra gaye hain

(I am lugging around, so much of the sweet sorrow in my heart,
That it now visibly afraid to even laugh out in the open,
All my (wasted) youth, I cautiously avoided this malaise (of love)
And now (ironically), I am meeting him (love) on the same street)

Dil dhadakta hai to aise lagta hai woh
Aa raha hai yahin dekhta hi na woh
Prem ki maarein kataar re
Taubah ye lamhe katt te nahi kyun
Aankhein se meri hatt te nahi kyun
Darr lagta hai mujhse kehne mein ji

(When my heart pulsates (like this),
It feels as if she is coming right towards here, looking straight at me,
Darting arrows poisoned with her love and longing,
(No wonder) why these magic moments seem to be infinitely protracted,
And they(these moments) seem to swarm all over my vision and eyes (overwhelming me),
(Rightly so) I am so scared to admit all this to even my own self,

Dil toh bachcha hai ji
Dil toh bachcha hai ji
Thoda kaccha hai ji
Haan dil toh baccha hai ji

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is BigTable

Hey this is large-scale DBMS used by Google to store Google's Data. Google Appengine datastore also keeps all data in it !!! Read more on

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Steps for linking appspot to your domain name.

Me and my friend Senthil, have tried creating a domain name and linked it with google appspot. Below is the consolidation of the steps.

1)Go to and choose a domain name of your choice, pay and buy it.
2)Once you have bought u will have a new entry in your

3)You have a app created using google app engine and you have deployed it and running successfully. Now that you wanna link the appspot to a domain name of your choice which u created in godaddy. Lets c how do we do this step by step.

4)First step is go to

5)Click standard edition and add a domain you have created. Follow the steps.

6)YOU will be asked to verify your domain by adding randomly generated string into the CNAME record for your domain DNS. ( this step you have to do in against your domain DNS)
ex... googlefffggghhh12345 (your unique string)
Once u have verified your domain. Next step is to add it in appengine.

7) Go to Click the application id you wanted to link with domain.

8) Administration->Application Settings-> Add domain
Give the domain name.

*Note If you have not added your domain in google apps, step 8 will not work.

9) Now go to In dashboard you will see a new entry added which is nothing but the application id for which you have selected to link with domain.

10 ) Click on the application id and click Add URL , give the 'www' and click add.
Once succesfully added.

11) Go to then in the CNAME record a edit the entry 'www' to point to ''.

12) Now enter '' in browser it will be directed to your appspot.

For ref follow the below links.

If any step unclear plss give a comment we will help with whatever we know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - Crowd resourcing.

Hello guys...

I came to know from one of my manager that topcoder does crowd resourcing equivalent to free lancing, but they do it in the name of competition & awards.

if you a credits in it is a globally known added value to your career it seems. So i think we should watch it regularly and if any interesting work we should participate and try to win accolades.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Online PDF security settings remover

Sometimes when we download a pdf, it would be password protected or Edit options would have been deselected like copy, cut and print will be disabled.

In the below link you can remove the security settings applied to the pdf. It is a online converter. I tried it helped me to take print of a pdf book. Max size you can give is 5 MB.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tutorial to use eclipse with Apache tomcat

This tutorial talks about step by step approach of how to use tomcat with Eclipse, setup, and basic servlet execution examples.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our blogspot is indexed in GOOGLE search Result.

Hope u all know once i was telling, i have submitted our blogspot address to index in google web search and also in google blogs search result.

Now it is listed in google web search & also in blog search :))

So keep posting to make our blog more successfull.. !!!!

Sure you are all learning atleast on topic per day.. if u find it interesting post it..


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is Apache & Tomcat.

As a naive to server side development works, i was very confused about two words Apache server & Tomcat server. I was thinking Apache Tomcat is a single acroynm for Server deployment. But there lies the difference if some one says Apacher server and Tomcat or Apache Tomcat server.

Many of you might be aware of these distinctions, but for starters like me thought it could be useful.

ASF is Apache software Foundation, which was formed in 1994, when a group of talened ppl launched a HTTP server written in C language to promote or ease the server side developement of web.

It was named 'Apache HTTP Server'. If somebody says their webserver is running over Apache it means, they use Apache HTTP Server as the core part for HTTP transactions, and on top of the http server webserver logic would have been written to serve some requests ( or provide some service ).

Sun Micro System had their own Java webserver which is also nothing but a HTTP server written in Java language. And over the period of server side development Sun released Java Servlet API to handle multiple request coming to a HTTP server and much more features were provided for server side development ( 1994).

In 1997 , a developer from SUN developed 'Tomcat' as Servlet container which used JAVA HTTP server for http transactions. And later Sun donated Tomcat to make it as Open free software and the Webserver was then called as 'Apache Tomcat'.

So the main difference comes is, Tomcat is a pure Java based HTTP web server for Java code to run ( which is noting but Java Servlets & JSP ).
Where as Apache HTTP server is HTTP server written in c to support server development in C.

You cannot deploy a webapplication written in Java ( JSP, Servlet ) and deploy it in different webserver which is not compatible with JSP & Servlet. And similary you cannot develop a webapp in C or CGI and try to deploy in Tomcat webserver which in purely Java based.

Since Java & Tomcat is open source and freely available to every one, most of the server side hosting is done using Tomcat webserver. And it is available for all platforms Linux,WIndows,MAC os, UNIX,Solaris & many more...

This way, ASF has given many open source products which is making the server side development for WWW more easier and faster.

Wiki Links:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to write a tiny webserver in Java.

Guys.. this link tells an easier way of writing a tiny webserver which will listen on port 80 and fetch you a index.html when GET operation is performed.

I understood at the first go. thought it would be useful to share with u all.

And i checked the example code it works fine. Try it.
Good work by Jon Berg. ( author )

HTTP protocol in a simpler way.

Hello all..

Found this link pretty useful for HTTP protocol definitions and understandings. Before u put HTTP in ur resume, make sure you go through this link once :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Samsung Launches BADAOS

Samsung Launches BADAOS

The Bada OS is based on the existing TouchWiz interface found on most new Samsung touchscreen devices