Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Code project Visual studio 2010 contest

Hi all,

            Hope you are all aware that Visual Studio  2010 has been released and a site named codeproject has announced a contest

On VS 2010.


For more .. Refer to



Best regards,



From: []
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:50 AM



Use this as to email id and fill a subject and send a mail it will be posted to our blog.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Microsoft's Cloud services like the Google's appengine !!

Google's appengine is used to crete application and services in clouds.. So as Microsoft !!!
It is called Azure platform .. If you are comfortable with .net or any MS technology Azure could be a guide to put your imagination into clouds :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Help me in google search

I have gone mad.. lost all my patience.. I want a page where all itemtypes supported by gbase was listed. I lost this bookmark in my crashed laptop.

Difference is that in left side all the item types are listed and rightside for each itemtype all the available attributes with descriptions are listed in the same fasion as the above link.. If any one can help it will be great help for me.

Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

OVI store - Local guide widget published


Happy to say that Local Guide widget was published last friday in OVI store and so far 35 downloads have happened.

Hoping much more downloads, with all your blessings...!!!!!!

- mani

Monday, March 1, 2010

Google Site Sharing and Appspot Linking to Google Sites

Almost broke my head today to make one of my sites public !!!
If a site is not public then the site will be accesed by login to your google account .

In Google Apps Sites setting there is an option "User Can Make Sites Public" If it is disabled then in Sites Sharing You will not be able to see the Advanced setting option "Anyone in the world may view this site (make it public)" . So You got it right I had disabled my Apps setting option and trying to make the site public in the sites sharing advanced Option !!!

Linking to an appspot (AppId) is very simple if you already have a Google Apps Sites (Standard / premier) edition. Goto -> -> go to service setting click add more services - > In right side you can see the Google App Engine preview content and a tecxtbox where you can give your appid and link to your domain or subdomain.